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Masters' Thesis Formatting Protocol


To make the writing process of formatting your thesis for masters easier, we've created a specially formatted one that meets many of the requirements listed below. This template will open an unnamed Word document that you may use to compose your college thesis after you download it. Remember that copying and pasting material from other places can introduce formatting into the content. If copying is required, it is advisable to use the text-only feature or copy/paste information into Script or Word documents before copying into Word. While this format aims to assist you in styling your thesis, you are responsible for ensuring that your work follows these formatting guidelines. You can also buy master thesis online in the UK for your help. 

Formatting in General

Consult the seventh version of the APA Publication Manual for general formatting standards (e.g., font, font style, space, references, and so on) (hereafter, APA). The institutional rules explain, specify or change the APA manual's formatting guidelines.

Style & Spacing on the Page

The top and bottom margins should be 1". The left and right borders must be 1.5" wide to enable binding. Buy thesis papers online at Dissertation Editing Pro at an affordable price.

While previous editions of APA allowed for double formatting between sentences, the most recent edition has abandoned this practice (6.1 Size After Punctuation, p. 154); therefore, all revisions of a master's thesis should have a single space after punctuation at the end of every sentence.

Page Numbering

Trying to count all page numbers below the bottom gap, 0.7 inches from the bottom of the page. Except for the Copyright page, every page in your manuscript will be included in page numbering; nevertheless, not every page will have a number. The cover page is the first initial page, although there is no number. Lower case Roman numerals are used to number the preliminary pages (For instance. I, ii, iii, iv). The numbering is restarted on the first page of the body of the text, which utilises Roman numerals. For more information on page numbering, see the chart below.

Page of Copyright

Students must agree to the Copyright License when submitting their final draught to Academic search, dissertation, and Research papers. The college will allow open access to the thesis because it is submitted as part of a PhD degree requirement and the act of accumulating these materials in college indicates an eagerness by student authors to impart their work with the general public. Get college essay help at Dissertation Editing Pro by expert writers.

A page for Committee Approval

The words "Panel Approval" are placed 2 inches from the top of the page (in Header File). Type your thesis title as it appears on the title page on the initial single-spaced line below the heading. Print your entire name on the fourth open line below your title.


The abstract, which is a one-paragraph overview of your work, should be between 150 and 250 words long, always double. Consult the APA Abstract for help with your abstract (p. 38).

The term "Abstract" is in the centre of the page, 2 inches from the top. Type your thesis title as it appears on the title page on the second single-spaced line below the heading. Print your entire name on the fourth open line below your title (do not include the phrase "by"). Begin your thesis abstract on the fourth single-spaced line below your name.


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